C++ mysql

1.Install C++ connector

sudo apt install libmysqlcppconn-dev


#include <iostream> #include <cppconn/driver.h>  #include <cppconn/resultset.h> #include <cppconn/statement.h> #include <cppconn/exception.h>  using namespace std;  void mySQL65();  int main(int args, char **argv) {     mySQL65(); }  void mySQL65() {     try     {         sql::Driver *driver;         sql::Connection *conn;         sql::Statement *stmt;         sql::ResultSet *res;          driver = get_driver_instance();         conn = driver->connect(tcp://, root, Root0001!);         conn->setSchema(myDB);          stmt = conn->createStatement();         res = stmt->executeQuery(SELECT 'Hello World!' AS _message); // replace with your statement         while (res->next())         {             cout << \t... MySQL replies: ;             /* Access column data by alias or column name */             cout << res->getString(_message) << endl;             cout << \t... MySQL says it again: ;             /* Access column fata by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */             cout << res->getString(1) << endl;         }         delete res;         delete stmt;         delete conn;     }     catch (sql::SQLException &e)     {         cout << # ERR: SQLException in  << __FILE__;         cout << ( << __FUNCTION__ << ) on line  << __LINE__ << endl;         cout << # ERR:  << e.what();         cout <<  (MySQL error code:  << e.getErrorCode();         cout << , SQLState:  << e.getSQLState() <<  ) << endl;     } }


3.Compile via g++ and inclue mysql connector ,  -I/usr/include/cppconn       -L/usr/lib -lmysqlcppconn

g++ -g -std=c++2a -I. -Wall -I/usr/include/cppconn  *.cpp ./Model/*.cpp -o h1 -luuid -lpthread -L/usr/lib -lmysqlcppconn

4.Run the compiled program