定理1:x是一个数据点,b和c是中点,如果 \(|bc|\geq 2|xb|\) 则有 \(|xc|\geq |xb|\)
使用三角不等式(两边之和大于第三边)即可证明。有了这条性质,我们如此考虑,若数据点x此时锚定了中点b,且我们知道 \(|xb|\) 或 \(|xb|\) 的一个上界,而 \(|bc|\geq 2|xb|\),那么我们不用考虑x点会从b点转移到c点去,节约了计算 \(|xc|\) 的时间。
定理2:x是一个数据点,b和c是中点,有 \(|xc|\geq max\{0,|xb|-|bc|\}\)。
对于锚定了中点b的数据点x,考虑是否转移到另一个中点c,若我们知道 \(|xb|\) 的上界和 \(|xc|\) 的下界,且上界小于这个下界,那一定不考虑。在算法开始的时候上界和下界可以直接赋值为距离,在后续的迭代中,需要保证上下界的合法。
我们不维护每一对点的距离的上界,只维护一个数据点到它的锚定点的距离的上界u(x)。一开始数据点到锚定点的距离是确定的,上界也确定,若该点的锚定点发生了位移,根据定理1则 u(x)+=dis(m(c(x)),c(x))
KMeans(vector<vector<double>> dataset, vector<int> label, int cluster_number)
构造函数接口涉及为二维动态数组传数据点,一维数据传标签,最后一个int传聚类数量(k的值)。vector<int> result;
算法结果int iterator_times;
迭代次数class Point;
class Data_point;
class Center;
double cal_dis(Point &a, Point &b)
void cal_disc(){
Calculate distance between centers and s(c)void init()
Initializationbool repeat()
Repeat stepsvoid getResult()
Get result and save toresult
void mainThread()
vector<double> pos;
点的坐标void build(vector<double> arr)
Data_point: 继承Point
int center;
锚定的中点vector<double> lowerBound;
到所有中点的下界double upperBound;
到锚定点的上界bool uOutofDate, transed;
Center: 继承Point
vector<double> mean;
均值向量int cnt;
有几个附属点vector<double> disc;
到其它c点的距离double s
到其他c点的距离的下界的 \(\frac{1}{2}\)void trans()
转移到均值点void add_mean(Data_point &data)
把一个数据点加进mean里void cal_mean()
#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std;
class KMeans{ class Point; class Data_point; class Center; public: vector<int> result; int iterator_times; KMeans(vector<vector<double>> dataset, vector<int> label, int cluster_number){ data_size = dataset.size(); dimension = dataset[0].size(); cluster = cluster_number; for (auto it = dataset.begin(); it != dataset.end();it++){ vector<double> pos; for (int i = 0; i < dimension;i++) pos.push_back((*it)[i]); point.push_back(Data_point(pos)); } for (auto it = label.begin(); it != label.end();it++) this->label.push_back(*it); //output(); iterator_times = 0; mainThread(); } private: int data_size, dimension, cluster; vector<Data_point> point; vector<Center> center; vector<int> label;
class Point{ public: vector<double> pos; void build(vector<double> arr){ pos.clear(); for (auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end();it++) pos.push_back(*it); } void build(Point &rhs){ pos.clear(); for (auto it = rhs.pos.begin(); it != rhs.pos.end();it++) pos.push_back(*it); } void output(){ cout << point data:; for (auto it = pos.begin(); it != pos.end();it++) cout << (*it) << ; cout << endl; } private: void clear(){ pos.clear(); } };
class Data_point : public Point{ public: int center; vector<double> lowerBound; double upperBound; bool uOutofDate, transed; Data_point(vector<double> arr){ this->build(arr); center = 0; uOutofDate = transed = false; } };
class Center : public Point{ public: vector<double> mean; int cnt; vector<double> disc; double s;//s(c)=1/2 min(c,c')(c!=c') Center(Data_point &rhs){ this->build(rhs); cnt = 0; } void trans(){ int len = mean.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len;i++){ pos[i]=mean[i]; mean[i] = 0; } cnt = 0; } void add_mean(Data_point &data){ int len = mean.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len;i++) mean[i] += data.pos[i]; cnt++; } void cal_mean(){ int len = mean.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len;i++) mean[i] /= cnt; } void output(){ int len = pos.size(); cout << center position:; for (int i = 0; i < pos.size();i++) cout << pos[i] << ; cout << endl; } };
double cal_dis(Point &a, Point &b){ double dis = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= this->dimension; i++){ dis += (a.pos[i] - b.pos[i]) * (a.pos[i] - b.pos[i]); } return sqrt(dis); } double cal_dis(Point &a, vector<double> &b){ double dis = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= this->dimension; i++){ dis += (a.pos[i] - b[i]) * (a.pos[i] - b[i]); } return sqrt(dis); } void output(){ cout << Data size: << data_size << endl; cout << Dimension: << dimension << endl; cout << Data: << endl; // for (auto it = point.begin(); it != point.end();it++) // it->output(); } //Calculate distance between centers and s(c) void cal_disc(){ for (int c1 = 0; c1 < cluster;c1++) for (int c2 = c1+1; c2 < cluster;c2++){ double dis = cal_dis(center[c1], center[c2]); center[c1].disc[c2] = dis; center[c2].disc[c1] = dis; } for (int c1 = 0; c1 < cluster;c1++){ double s = center[c1].disc[(c1 + 1) % cluster]; for (int c2 = 0; c2 < cluster;c2++){ if(c1==c2) continue; double s2 = center[c1].disc[c2]; if(s2<s) s = s2; } center[c1].s = s / 2; } } void init(){ //get initial centers vector<int> num; for (int i = 0; i < data_size;i++) num.push_back(i); srand(time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) swap(num[i],num[rand() % data_size]); for (int i = 0; i < cluster; i++) center.push_back(Center(point[num[i]])); num.clear(); //Initial the center for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++){ for (int i = 0; i < cluster;i++) c->disc.push_back(0); for (int i = 0; i < dimension;i++) c->mean.push_back(0); } cal_disc(); //Calculate initial c(x) and l(x,c) and u(x) for (auto x = point.begin(); x != point.end();x++){ for (int i = 0; i < cluster;i++) x->lowerBound.push_back(0); double dis = cal_dis(*x, center[0]); x->center = 0; int len = center.size(); for (int c = 1; c < len;c++){ if(dis<=center[x->center].disc[c]) continue; double dis2 = cal_dis(*x, center[c]); x->lowerBound[c] = dis2; if(dis2<dis){ x->center = c; dis = dis2; } } x->upperBound = dis; center[x->center].add_mean(*x); } for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++) c->cal_mean(); //Move the centers // cout << first time center: << endl; // for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++) // c->output(); for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++) c->trans(); // cout << second time center: << endl; // for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++) // c->output(); } //Repeat steps bool repeat(){ bool flag = false; cal_disc(); for (auto x = point.begin(); x != point.end();x++){ x->transed = false; double disc; //Ignore points which will not trans if(x->upperBound<=center[x->center].s) continue; //Update the upperBound if(x->uOutofDate){ x->uOutofDate=false; disc = cal_dis(*x, center[x->center]); x->upperBound = disc; }else disc = x->upperBound; //trans points to closer centers for (int c = 0; c < cluster;c++){ if(disc>x->lowerBound[x->center]||disc>0.5*center[x->center].disc[c]){ double disc2 = cal_dis(*x, center[c]); //cout << iter note:<<disc<< <<disc2 << endl; if(disc2<disc){ //cout << yes << endl; //cout << trans note: << disc2 << << disc << endl; x->center = c; x->transed = true; flag = true; } } } //Add to the center center[x->center].add_mean(*x); } //Calculate the mean of centers for (auto c = center.begin(); c!=center.end();c++) c->cal_mean(); //Update the lowerBound and upperBound for (auto x = point.begin(); x != point.end();x++){ if(!x->transed) continue; for (int c = 0; c < cluster;c++) x->lowerBound[c] = max(x->lowerBound[c] - cal_dis(center[c], center[c].mean), 0.0); x->upperBound += cal_dis(center[x->center], center[x->center].mean); x->uOutofDate = true; } //Move the centers for (auto c = center.begin(); c != center.end();c++) c->trans(); iterator_times++; return flag; } //Get result and save to `result` void getResult(){ for (auto x = point.begin(); x != point.end();x++) result.push_back((*x).center); } void mainThread(){ init(); while(true){ if(!repeat()) break; } getResult(); } };
int main(){ // Get the data freopen(seeds_dataset.txt, r, stdin); vector<vector<double>> dataset; vector<int> label; double tmp; int tmp2; for (int i = 1; i <= 210; i++){ vector<double> point; for (int j = 1; j <= 7; j++){ cin >> tmp; point.push_back(tmp); } cin >> tmp2; label.push_back(tmp2); dataset.push_back(point); } //KMeans(vector<vector<double>> dataset, vector<int> label, int number of cluster) KMeans model(dataset, label, 3); cout << result: << endl; for (auto it = model.result.begin(); it != model.result.end();it++) cout << (*it) << ; cout << endl; cout << iteration times: << model.iterator_times << endl; }