

import random class Solution(): 	def quickSort(self, arr, head,tail): 		if head >= tail: 			return arr 		mid = head + random.randint(0,tail - head) 		pivot = arr[mid] 		arr[mid] = arr[head] 		low = head 		high = tail 		while low != high: 			while low < high and arr[high] >= pivot: 				high -= 1 			arr[low] = arr[high] 			while low < high and arr[low] <= pivot: 				low += 1 			arr[high] = arr[low]   		arr[low] = pivot 		Solution.quickSort(self, arr, head, low - 1) 		Solution.quickSort(self, arr, low + 1, tail) 		return arr  if __name__ == '__main__': 	s = Solution() 	arr = list(map(int,input().strip().split())) 	kk = s.quickSort(arr,0,len(arr)-1) 	print(kk)