







类似这种:父节点Grandpa,它下面有2个子节点Uncle Leo和Father,Uncle Leo下有3个子节点Cousin Jack、Cousin Mary、Cousin Ben



可以从jira一个故事卡的原始数据中提取出 (前端工程师 and 前端故事点)、(后端工程师 and 后端故事点)、(测试负责人 and 测试故事点)




    def get_sprint(self, project, sprint):                  获取每个冲刺的数据,例如冲刺标题、每个人的故事点数         :param project:         :param sprint:         :return:                   try: if sprint ==  or sprint is None:  # 不传sprint会查询所有冲刺                 jql = project in ({}) AND issuetype = Story.format(project)             else:                 jql = project in ({}) AND issuetype = Story AND Sprint in ({}).format(project, sprint)              print(****************** 打印jql ******************)             print(正在执行的jql=, jql)              fields = summary, priority, status, creator, created, customfield_12309, customfield_12307, \                      customfield_12310, customfield_12308, customfield_12400,customfield_11303, customfield_10006              issues = self.jira.search_issues(jql, fields=fields, maxResults=-1)             # 前端故事点:customfield_12309;后端故事点:customfield_12310;测试故事点:customfield_12400;预估总点数:customfield_10006             # 前端负责人:customfield_12307;后端负责人:customfield_12308;测试负责人:customfield_11303              front_points = []  # 前端故事点             fronter = []  # 故事对应的前端工程师             server_points = []  # 后端故事点             server = []  # 故事对应的后端工程师             test_points = []  # 测试故事点             tester = []  # 故事对应的测试工程师              for i in issues:                  # print(i.raw)  # 打印每个故事的原始信息                 # 前端故事点                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_12309] is None:                     front_points.append(0)                 else:                     front_points.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_12309])                  # 前端工程师                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_12307] is None:                     fronter.append(未指派)                 else:                     fronter.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_12307][0][displayName].split(()[0])                  # 后端故事点                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_12310] is None:                     server_points.append(0)                 else:                     server_points.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_12310])                  # 后端工程师                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_12308] is None:                     server.append(未指派)                 else:                     server.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_12308][0][displayName].split(()[0])                  # 测试故事点                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_12400] is None:                     test_points.append(0)                 else:                     test_points.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_12400])                  # 测试工程师                 if i.raw[fields][customfield_11303] is None:                     tester.append(未指派)                 else:                     tester.append(i.raw[fields][customfield_11303][displayName].split(()[0])  # 提取名称,只保留中文              print(打印前端故事点:, front_points)             print(打印前端工程师:, fronter)             # print(打印后端故事点:, server_points)             # print(打印后端工程师:, server)             # print(打印测试故事点:, test_points)             # print(打印测试工程师:, tester)              # 对前端、后端、测试各自的故事点数,以负责人维度进行聚合             df1 = pd.DataFrame(data={'name': fronter, 'value': front_points})             # groupby()之后,使用sum对相同元素求和 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>             front_group = df1.groupby('name', as_index=True).sum()             # print(front_group)              front_dict = front_group.to_dict()[value]             front_list = self.data_to_pie(front_dict)  # 前端故事点旭日图所需数据             print(打印前端故事点聚合数据, front_list)              df2 = pd.DataFrame(data={'name': server, 'value': server_points})             server_group = df2.groupby('name', as_index=True).sum()             server_dict = server_group.to_dict()[value]             server_list = self.data_to_pie(server_dict)  # 后端故事点旭日图所需数据             # print(打印后端故事点聚合数据, server_list)              df3 = pd.DataFrame(data={'name': tester, 'value': test_points})             tester_group = df3.groupby('name', as_index=True).sum()             tester_dict = tester_group.to_dict()[value]             tester_list = self.data_to_pie(tester_dict)  # 测试故事点旭日图所需数据             # print(打印测试故事点聚合数据, tester_list)              points_total = sum(front_points + server_points + test_points)  # 前后端、测试故事点总数             # print(打印故事点总数:, points_total)              # 旭日图所需数据格式             story_points_list = [                 {                     name: 前端,                     children: front_list                 },                 {                     name: 后端,                     children: server_list                 },                 {                     name: 测试,                     children: tester_list                 }             ]               res = {                 code: 200,                 points_total: points_total,                 story_points_list: story_points_list,             }             return res          except Exception as e:             raise e


以前端为例,分别打印 front_points、fronter、front_list

print(打印前端故事点:, front_points) print(打印前端工程师:, fronter) print(打印前端故事点聚合数据front_list, front_list)


打印前端故事点: [1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0]  每个故事卡的前端故事点 打印前端工程师: ['张三', '张三', '张三', '张三', '张三', '李四', '未指派', '未指派', '未指派', '李四', '李四', '李四'] 每个故事卡对应的前端工程师 打印前端故事点聚合数据front_list [{'value': 0.0, 'name': '未指派'}, {'value': 7.0, 'name': '李四'}, {'value': 7.0, 'name': '张三'}]  聚合上面2个列表,得到这样一组聚合数据




# 旭日图所需数据格式   story_points_list = [       {           name: 前端,           children: front_list       },       {           name: 后端,           children: server_list       },       {           name: 测试,           children: tester_list       }   ]



<template>  </template>  <script> import * as echarts from 'echarts';  export default {   name: sun_figure,   methods: {     story_sun(datasource, points) {        let chartDom = document.getElementById('story_sun');       let myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);       let option;        option = {         title: {           text: '故事点汇总',           top: '5%', // 距离顶部位置           left: 'center'         },         tooltip: {           trigger: 'item'         },         color: ['#FFAE57', '#FF7853', '#EA5151', '#CC3F57', '#9A2555'],         graphic: {           type: 'text',           left: 80%,           top: '50%',           style: {             text: '总数:' + points,             textAlign: 'center',             fill: '#333',             fontSize: 15,             fontWeight: 700           }         },         series: {           type: 'sunburst',           // emphasis: {           //     focus: 'ancestor'           // },           center:['50%', '53%'], //控制左右上下           data: datasource,           radius: [0, '60%'], //控制大小           label: {             rotate: 'radial'           }         }       };        option && myChart.setOption(option);      }   } } </script>  <style scoped>  </style>